Sunday, May 4, 2008

Springing to Life!

Kevin and his little helpers have been busy. Children get computer time in the computer lab by helping out with garden and landscaping tasks. He has cultivated many beautiful indoor plantings that the kids spent the winter watering and grooming.

Over the last couple of months, they have begun seedlings indoors and are now beginning more outside in a portable greenhouse. See pictures below!

Here is the storage closet on the second floor of Neighborhood House that has been converted into a baby plant incubator zone.

Here is a group of novice gardeners on the playground space planting seedlings in starter flats.Some of these seedlings will be incorporated in the after school snack program later in the year.

Several grants have been awarded by multiple funding sources to help implement this program.The next big step is to plow up a little used area of the grounds incorporating new organic matter to give the plants a hospitable environment and a chance to grow. If you have friends or relatives who are interested in volunteerism, gardening, plants, and nutrition, steer them our way to help grow our kids.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Do you know where gardeners gather?

Help us get the word out! We need to contact gardeners in the community to help shape and grow this program. Email your ideas to



Raised beds vs ground level plantings:

We have pretty much decided to not use raised beds. They would be more labor intensive to build, and would require more ammendments and water through the season.

We are certainly open to change in the future, however.

Leave comments if you wish to make an argument for one approach of the other.


Do you have family or neighbors who have given up working in the garden?

We need gardening implements for both adults and children. If you can help us gather these, we will put them in the hands of future plant fanatics. Help us create tomorrows gardeners by equipping our young members.


Grants are in season!

We are on the edge of grant writing season. Bunton's Seeds has been kind enough to give us a discount on materials. And grants are in the pipeline to fund heavy equipment rental to dig up the future garden space.

Ammendments will be added to enrich the soil and improve drainage.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Plant plans are beginning in the computer lab/plant nursery upstairs at Neighborhood House! Kevin Caudill and his intrepid young gardeners are starting seeds that will eventually be moved out to a cold frame.

If you have any unused plexiglass for a cold frame window, let us know!


Pictures here soon!

Santa brought a new digital camera. I hope to snap some pics Monday before tutoring. The weather should be mild and the sun bright.

I will snap a few photos of the lot where we plan for the garden to sprout.
